【5965】 Manufacturing products that are closely related to food! When to buy Fujimac Corporation?


Hello everyone. I’m @olivertomolife and I love investing and shareholder special offers!

Fujimac’s products may be used in the kitchens of restaurants that we use on a daily basis.

Fujimac has been supporting the restaurant industry since its inception, and is in the business of food that is necessary for the whole society.

In this article, I’m going to show you when to buy Fujimac, and about the company!

If you are looking for a stock with a good price to buy, this is a must-see!

Recommended for
  • People who want to know about under-appreciated treasure stocks.
  • I’m looking for recommendations for stocks under 100,000 yen.
  • Want to know about Fujimac

Contents of this article
  • When is the best time to buy Fujimac?
  • What is Fujimac Corporation?
  • Company’s Business
  • Company Indicators
  • Dividends
  • Shareholder Benefits
  • Two investment trusts for inclusion that I recommend!

The author has three years of investment experience and has experience in the securities industry.

By reading this article, you’ll learn about Fujimac!


When is the best time to buy Fujimac?

Fujimac buy

In conclusion, we think it is time to buy at close to 750 yen.

This is because this is a cheaper level than the stock price of over 1,000 yen until 2018.

If you look at the stock price in the past 10 years, it is at a high position.

However, it is a good idea to hold it at an affordable time when you can buy it for less than 100,000 yen.

What is Fujimac Corporation?

fujimak | 業務用厨房機器総合メーカー 株式会社フジマック

Fujimac Corporation (5965) is a kitchen equipment sales company established in 1950.

The company mainly sells products for commercial use, and has offices in Japan and overseas.

Our kitchen appliances are suitable for a wide range of industries and business categories, and we have the ability to respond to each request.

We also offer cooking live events where you can tour the kitchens at our sales offices around Japan.

This allows customers to see how the equipment is actually used and to get a concrete image of the equipment.

What the company does

フードビジネスをトータルサポート | fujimakの強み | 株式会社フジマック

The company provides a comprehensive range of services in the food business, including proposals, product development and manufacturing, and support.

Our strength lies in planning after listening to the customer’s needs, and our post-construction support is available 365 days a year.

We also support custom-made kitchens for home use, so you can create a kitchen that suits your needs.

Company Indicators

Japan stock

The following is a summary of Fujimac’s main indices.

PERPBRDividend yieldDividend payout ratioEquity ratio
29.3 times0.55 times2.55%2020/12 2,237.6 %58.4%

The P/B ratio is undervalued and the equity ratio is high.

I expect the index to improve with earnings expansion.


Fujimac dividend

Dividends are paid out stably.

I would like to see a dividend increase in the future.

Shareholder Benefits

Japan stock

By holding 100 shares in December every year, you can receive a 1,000 yen quo card.

If you hold 100 shares in December each year, you will receive a 1,000 yen gift card, and if you hold for more than one year, you will receive a 2,000 yen gift card.

Two recommended investment trusts for inclusion!

Investment trusts are recommended for those who are anxious to start investing right away.

They are managed by professional investors in a wide range of stocks, so you can diversify your risk.

I have selected the recommended annual investment trusts that include Fujimac for your reference.


Fujimac buy
  • Highly specialized in kitchen appliances
  • Extensive domestic and international business development
  • Affordable stock price

This is an introduction to Fujimac Corporation!

Investing is your own responsibility. Make your own final decision after referring to a variety of opinions.

I will continue to provide useful information for investment, so please stay tuned.

Thank you for reading to the end!
