

Which explains why I decided to write an article about Australia!

Hello everyone. I'm @olivertomolife and I've studied abroad in Sydney!As you can see in my profile, I have studied abroa...

【Latest Information】 Shyness is OK? 5 of the most effective ways to make friends in Sydney!

There are a lot of things to worry about when studying abroad, but I'm sure there are many people who are worried about making friends. I was not a very social person

【Yasaka Ramen】 Over 5 years in business! The best pork ramen in Sydney!

Have you ever had a sudden craving for ramen in Australia? I have good news for those of you who don't want to fail at eating ramen overseas. What's more, in Sydney,

Great food for under $10? Recommended Taiwanese food in Sydney [Sunflower Taiwanese Gourmet].

Suddenly, do you ever want to eat Taiwanese food when you live in Sydney? There are more than 500 Taiwanese people living in the center of Sydney, so you can get

【El Jannah】 The Lebanese food, exclusive to Sydney, is just too good!

In Sydney, where many immigrants come from all over the world, you can enjoy a wide variety of cuisines, including one of the most rare cuisines, Lebanese food. The

【Easy】 5 things you need to know when looking for a job in Australia!

I'm sure you have a lot of anxiety when looking for a job in Australia. There are a lot of things to worry about when looking for a job in Australia, but by taking

【There are actual examples】 How much is the average rent in Sydney? And an example!

みなさんこんにちは。 オリバートモです!オーストラリアで初めてホームステイやシェアハウスに住む時はとても緊張しますよね・・・私も最初はかなり緊張しました。皆さんの不安を少しでも取り除ければと思い、実際の経験を踏まえて生活のイメージを解説して